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Auto Tune Voice Changer T Pain

  1. Auto Tune Voice Changer
  2. Voice Changer Autotune
  3. Auto Tune Voice Changer T Paintless
  4. T Pain Auto Tune Voice Changer
  5. Auto Tune Voice Changer For Xbox
  • T-Pain goes Auto-Tune-free and it sounds beautiful Deciding to unplug his voice from technology for NPR, the man who made Auto-Tune de rigueur shows that he didn't need it at all. Chris Matyszczyk.
  • Look at T-Pain and Cher. Both of them used Auto-Tune as an effect on the voice, not for making up for a lack of ability. Neither of them needs help in the studio but they liked the sound they got from the outcome. I will not lie, using Auto-Tune or any pitch correction software can be very hard and tedious.

Technology has permanently changed the way we listen to music. One of the artists credited (or blamed) for that shift is T-Pain, the perpetually auto-tuned R&B and rap hit-maker.

Some years ago, auto-tune was inescapable. Every rapper seemed to have an auto-tuned hook or run. The tacky technology was originally used by producers to help correct notes that an artist couldn't hit or hold. The hope was that listeners wouldn't be able to tell the difference.

The app features over 80 voice effects, including pop-culture soundalikes like Darth Vader, a new T-Pain voice that applies an auto-tune effect and a background beat and tons more.Only 12 are.

In the mid-2000s, auto-tune broke onto the hip hop and R&B scene with producers and rappers exaggerating the effect to extremes. T-Pain was one of the first of those artists to feel the success and also the inevitable backlash of auto-tune. Critics said the technology was disingenuous and destroyed any need for vocal talent. Auto-tune wasn't just decried by music purists and angry bloggers — celebrated artists such as Jay-Z came out against it, and even released a song on his 2009 album The Blueprint 3, titled 'D.O.A. (Death of Auto-tune).'

Well T-Pain survived the barbs and is currently riding another wave of auto-tune success with the release of an iPhone app, novelty microphone and a brand new album, rEVOLVEr, released in 2011. The app, I AM T-Pain, lets users auto-tune their voice by singing into an iPhone, whereas the microphone, called the 'I AM T-Pain Mic,' is a stand-alone toy dedicated to auto-tuning.

Mashable had a chance to speak with T-Pain about auto-tune, his app and microphone and the future of music in the age of technology.

The Road to the App Store

T-Pain has always had a mind on technology and saw a perfect opportunity to get into the app game when other celebrities, such as Britney Spears, Pink and Lil' Wayne, started releasing their own apps.

'I said, 'Well, I guess I'm so famous for the auto-tune, I guess I should make an app.' And it's just been flying off the shelves,' T-Pain, born Faheem Najm, says. The app was a smart move. It has been downloaded more than 2 million times since its launch in 2009, according to T-Pain's team. That was just the start: 'You know I had pretty good projections with the mic and a lot of adults buy it, like, pretending they're buying it for their kids ... Adults would call me saying they're tired of their kids slobbering all over their phones,' T-Pain says of his decision to create a mic version of his auto-tune app.

T-Pain insists that the mic is all about making music fun. 'I don't do the whole, 'Put my name on it, make me famous' thing,' Pain told us, although there is a video on T-Pain's site in which he says of the mic: 'I mean, we're just, we're milking this thing baby. We're milking it.' Regardless of the intent, T-Pain's mic is selling well.

Auto Tune Voice Changer

'Hard & B'

It's hard to stay mad at T-Pain, who swears by a type of music he calls 'Hard & B.' It's more about process than genre. 'Basically it’s the hard way of doing music,' T-Pain says. 'I write my music. I produce my music. I sing it. I damn near record all of it myself and you gotta go out and perform it. It’s a hard way of making music. On the other hand, [some artists] get someone to write and produce it and you just sing it in the middle like a puppet.'

Voice Changer Autotune

In that sense, auto-tune is less a way for T-Pain to hide his voice but to create music in a different way. 'My dad always told me that anyone's voice is just another instrument added to the music. There was a time when people had seven-minute songs and five minutes of them were just straight instrumental,' T-Pain says. 'I got a lot of influence from [the '60s era] and I thought I might as well just turn my voice into a saxophone.' He credits the core of his music and lyric style to R. Kelly and Cee Lo Green, two R&B artists known for their expressive — and unfiltered — voices.

After years of success, however, T-Pain still enjoys talking about the tech he applies to his voice as a way of educating people on how it works. T-Pain says he studied the technology behind auto-tune to better understand his craft.

Auto-tune, it turns out, is actually sort of hard to pull off: 'You know, because it was made to correct bad notes and stuff, of course people say you just slap it on your voice and anyone who's tone-deaf can make a half-decent song.' It also turns out that T-Pain is a decent singer even without the tech. 'The crazy thing is ... there's always a song [on my albums] with no auto-tune and those are always the songs that go overlooked,' T-Pain says.

Social media has helped alleviate some of that frustration thanks to massive support from T-Pain's followers. Although he has more than 700,000 followers on Twitter, he tries to stay humble: 'I don't know man, because you look at someone like Soulja Boy and all these other people and they have millions of followers and I'm proud to even have two follows; my mom and my dad .... The way that people show me love on Twitter? I don't know man. It's amazing.'

T-Pain has a busy year ahead. After our phone call, T-Pain had a day of interviews with press before heading to Jimmy Kimmel Live! to perform 'Drowning Again' on piano and without auto-tune. Through the madness, his iPhone app and auto-tuning microphone continue to sell to legions of would-be crooners and lotharios practicing their Hard & B.

A simple online voice changer app to transform your voice and add effects. Voice Changer can make your voice deeper, make your voice sound like a girl/guy, change and distort your voice so it's anonymous, make you voice sound like a robot, darth vader, a monster, and a tonne of other - best of all, Voice Changer is free! Frequently asked questions are at the bottom of the page :)

choose an audio input method:

Auto Tune Voice Changer T Paintless

or generate speech from text

Monster Voice Changer

This one changes your voice so it sounds sort of like a big evil troll/monster. Behind the scenes I've done some fancy stuff with oscillating signals such that it's deeper and slightly distorted (like the monster's voice box is a bit damaged or something), and then I've cleard out the high frequency parts of the signal to smooth it off.
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PA Speaker Voice Changer

T Pain Auto Tune Voice Changer

This one is meant to sound like a booming PA (public announcement) speaker that's very bad quality. I imagined it was from some sort of distopian authoritarian government telling its citizens what to do, but I think you could just as easily use it as if it was a PA speaker from the 50s or something. It first distorts your voice a bit and makes the signal noisy and then adds an echo effect.
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Reverse Reverb Voice Changer

This one uses a 'reverse reverb' effect to essentially make your voice echo backwards. It gives your voice an eerie vibe that sounds like a ghost or spirit from a horror movie.
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Echo Voice Effect Online

This voice effect simply makes it sound like you're standing in a very large room. The echo is applied using a very cool audio technique known as 'impulse response convolution'.
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Telephone Voice Changer

This one simply removes high and low frequencies to simulate the effect of your voice being transmitted through a telephone.
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Alien Voice Changer

This adds a very strange wobbling effect to your voice which make it sound like an alien who has learned how to speak your language, but it struggling - it's an alien accent, if you will.

Wobbling Voice Changer

This one is fun :) It oscillates your voice between high and low pitches in a way that makes it seem like time isn't flowing consistently - something's gone wrong with reality.
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Alien Voice Changer

This one sounds like a dangerous alien - perhaps one that is part robot or something.

Robot Alien Voice Changer

I got a robot alien vibe from this one when I stumbled across it. It's also a little insect-like. So maybe a robot alien insect.

Anonymous Voice Changer

We've all heard the anonymising voice effect before, and this one is similar, except it adds a slight distortion to your voice to make it more on the 'hacker' side of things. Note that this shouldn't be used for real anonymising! It's just for fun.
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Auto Tune Voice Changer For Xbox

Reversed Voice Converter

This simply takes your input audio and reverses it :)
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Old Radio Audio Effect

This effect adds some fuzz and distortion, and plays around with the frequency spectrum a bit to try and emulate the sound of an old radio.
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Cymbal Voice Effect

This is a strange one. It uses 'impulse response convolution' to create an 'echo' of your voice that sounds a bit like a cymbal in a drum kit.

Dalek Voice Changer

This uses a 'ring modulator' to simulate the same electronics that were used to generate the Dalek's voice in Doctor Who. You should do try to make your voice sound like the Dalek's when you record the audio, and this effect will do the rest.
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Wah-Wah Voice Effect

This adds a 'wah-wah' effect to your voice. The 'wah-wah' effect is often used in certain types of music via the use of a 'wah-wah' pedal.

Vibrato Voice Effect

This ads a steady pitch oscillation to the input audio which (if applied to singing) can make it sound like your singing with vibrato when you're not.
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Demon Voice Changer

With this effect I tried to create the sense that it was an epic demon beast thing. Much like the Balrog from Lord of the Rings. It adds some fire crackling effects in the background, deepens your voice, and adds an ominous echo.
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Cave Echo Voice Changer

This one adds an echo that makes it sound like the voice is coming from a huge cave.
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Robot Voice Changer

This gives your voice a metallic, higher pitched timbre which makes it sound like it's coming from a robot.

Robot Voice Changer

This gives your voice a very harsh, slightly fuzzy and robotic sound.

Robot Voice Changer

This changes your voice into a very 'tinny' little robotic-sounding voice.

Robot Voice Changer

This adds some random 'beep boop' noises to the background and gives your voice a very computerised timbre.
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Very Slow Voice Effect

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Slow Down Audio

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Speed Up Audio

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Very Fast Audio Effect

This generates an audio clip that's 4 times as fast as the input clip.

Portable Radio Effect

This manipulates the input so that it sounds like a very old portable radio. Depending on the level of noise in the input audio clip, the output may actually be hard to understand.
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Audio Jumbler

This one chops your input clip up into pieces and then scrambles them around randomly.

School PA Voice Effect

Changes your voice so it sounds like it's coming from an old and run-down school PA speaker.

Noisy Audio Effect

This effect makes your input audio sound like it has been transmitted via an extremely noisy medium.

Sauron Voice Changer

I've tried to make this effect sound like Sauron's voice (from Lord of the Rings). He doesn't talk much in the movies, but when he does it's very deep and has a slight ominous echo.

Russian Voice Effect

This is a silly effect that chops up the audio clip into segments, reverses them, and then puts them all back together. It sounds a little like some eastern European languages.

Silly Voice Effect

This one does some funky reversing stuff that just makes the output audio sound very strange and confusing but still understandable.

Cute Robot Voice Changer

Tiny Robot Voice Changer

Satan Voice CHanger

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Astronaut Voice Changer

Very Deep Voice

Deep Voice Changer

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High Voice Changer

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Chipmunk Voice Changer

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Synth Voice Effect

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Megaphone Voice Changer

Bane Voice Changer

This effect applies a slight radio-like distortion to the input audio which makes it sound like it's coming from Bane's make (Bane form the Batman series).
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Note: For some voices (Bane and Dalek, for example), you'll need to put on the correct 'accent' for the voice transformation to work properly. Basically, try to make your voice sound like the target voice, and the engine will add some effects to make it sound like the real thing. Another random tip: You'll need to talk relatively slowly if you're using any of the 'echo-ey' voices, otherwise the echos will make it hard to understand.

You can use the generated audio clips for any purpose at all (commercial usage included). There's no need to credit voicechanger.io if you don't want to. You can leave feedback here, but please note this is just a hobby project so I won't be updating the site regularly. Thanks for stopping by - I hope you find this site useful! 😄